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Adding New Users to Set of Work Items

  • 19 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Hello Community, 

When our admins add a new user to the system, is there a way for this new user to be automatically added as a resource to certain work items in a project?

Our use case is, when we have a new employee join, there are a set of work items/timecodes that they’ll need, and it gets a bit tedious adding each new resource to the 10+ work items. 

I’ve tried adding them to a user group, where it’s listed as a resource to those work items but it doesn’t appear to work. Maybe through data loader?

Any advice? Many thanks!


6 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi Kayla, 

You can create a Workflow Rule (WFR) on the User Object to achieve this. 


Set Run Time to ‘On Create’ 

Then create a ‘New Item’ > ‘Resource’ under Links. 

Then you will include the Work Item and the Resource (Current Obj - since it’s on the User obj). 


Hope this helps! 


Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Thanks. Is it possible to list multiple work items in that one action? Or I need to create an action for each work item?

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Is it also possible to filter which work items the user is added to, depending on what department we set the user at?

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi Kayla,

To your first follow-up question, you’ll need a unique action within the workflow rule (WFR) for each Resource link that needs to be created. The action is creating a unique link between a single user record and a single work item.

And to the second question, you could use conditional action lists in the WFR to create Resource links based on department. But there are pros and cons to that, and in the end it might be less complicated to simply create a series of similar WFRs that each use Department as evaluation criteria. Conditional actions help keep everything in one place, but they actually decrement from your WFR quota just as if you were writing a separate WFR, so you’re not saving quota by using them. The downside is that it might result in an overcomplicated WFR if you have multiple Conditional Action Lists in a single rule, and it might even suffer slight performance degradation if the rule is too bloated with conditional actions. On the other hand, it’s just one rule to modify if changes are needed as your business process evolves. Consider the tradeoffs and decide on that; technically, either approach should work.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Thanks this was very helpful. Is it not possible, that if a User Group is added as a resource to a work item, that any group members added would be default also be resources on that work item?

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Correct, out-of-the-box a User Group cannot be used as a way to assign Resources to a work item. The work item would not appear in their timesheet for reporting nor would it reflect any effort within Capacity Planner for any of the group members. 
