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Allowing team member users to 'claim a task' from Kanban board (Hybrid Work Management)

  • 29 May 2024
  • 3 replies


I am trying to develop and role out a Kanban board that our engineering teams can use to claim and track work items across various projects. There are a laundry list of improvements I could offer up, but I have mostly found work arounds / custom solutions for majority of those…

One main feature of Kanban boards that I cannot figure out how to get it to work for our use case, is the ability for Team Members to ‘claim’ a task that they did not create. Across various projects, there could be tasks added to the board from various folks that the engineering team will be picking and choosing tasks to work on. I am running into issues with them grabbing a task from the board and being able to edit any of the content or status of the task. It is not ideal for the “Owner” to have to go and switch Owners or assign each resource every time a new task needs to be worked. Is there really no way with the current permission capabilities I can enable Team Members to grab these tasks and auto assign themselves? It does seem they can go to the task → related items → add themselves as a resource in that manner but that is definitely not an efficient way to manage these tasks on a Kanban.

Anyone have any ideas to automate the process of ‘claiming’ tasks?

Just circling back around on this in case anyone else is trying to implement a similar use case. It definitely was not the easiest or ideal solution, but for now I think I have a workflow that works for us utilizing business rules and user group permissions (access levels setting) amongst various other custom fields. 

Hi Patrick, I saw your post and pondered a bit on this myself. I assume you’re in Enhanced permission mode (system setting 3.1) and have enabled Permission Access Levels (system setting 3.3). And I agree, a workflow rule that provides some level of access to the Tasks is probably necessary to at least grant visibility, so the Team Members can see the tasks. You could then create a Custom Action that’s available to any given team member, and that when called, sets them as a Resource. But that might be overkill if you already have a working solution.

Actually, still in Basic mode with the Permission Access Levels enabled. I am not sure Enhanced is exactly what we would want either. The current setup and workflow seems to be working for us, very similar concept to your custom action idea. Thanks for the thoughts! 
