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Any downside of using Placeholder Resources?

I’m thinking about using Placeholders to help with planning future resource loads.  Reading this Placeholder Resources – Clarizen Success I notice that it says:

   Before you begin, enable Placeholder Resources in System Settings under Resource Management.
       Note: After enabling this setting, you will not be able to disable it.

Is there any downside of having Placeholder Resources enabled?

Even if I decide not to use the idea after all?

Just a bit worried I’m committing to an irreversible change without knowing the impact!

Also, is anyone aware of a video demonstrating their use?

5 replies

Userlevel 2

@DaveSparrow I don’t know the answer to your question but I did want to point out that you appear to be relying upon an ‘old’ version of the documentation.

I am under the impression that any updates to “success” (help) docs is only happening at the NEW site, so you’d want to rely on this version of the help, rather than the one you shared in your post (at the URL):

I did not compare them so I don’t know if anything is different. I do see that your quoted comment still exists.

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi Dave, the only downside I can think of is that you might need to provide some training or guidance to your AdaptiveWork users so they understand why they’re seeing a new “Show” option when assigning/replacing resources to work items. Functionally, there’s no downside, and we recommend using the new(er) Placeholder Resources functionality to our customers when they configure resource management. There was a bug with Group Job Titles, but that was resolved in a recent release and it all works flawlessly now. Go for it!



@DrewMiddleton I can’t be sure this happened on exactly the same day as I enabled Placeholder Resources but it seems too much of a coincidence otherwise:  There’s no longer an option to specify the %age of a Resource when adding/editing resources via the ellipsis [...] from a Task. We use this all the time so this would be a major loss of this is unfixable (and non-reversable due the enabling of Placeholder Resources).

Any thoughts?


Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I can’t say whether enabling the placeholder resources system setting caused that column to disappear, or whether an admin in your organization removed it. But either way, it’s easy to resolve. In profiles, you can set columns for the Search Defaults for objects. On Work Item objects (e.g. projects, milestones, tasks) one of the Search Defaults is Resources. Add “<Resources>.Units(%)” to the exposed columns for each work item for each profile and you’re back in business. 



Thanks Drew.

All working again.

I had no idea that ‘Search’ options would affect that dialog so I wasn’t looking there in the settings.

I still believe that enabling Placeholder Resources caused this to disappear (as nobody else but me would go anywhere near those settings) but it’s great to be back in business again.

I owe you a pint - which over here is 25% bigger than your pint, you’ll be pleased to know ;)
