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Good Morning All!

I’m relatively new to the Planview environment, so forgive me if this is a very simple thing that I just haven’t found in my search within this forum. 

We have a custom action called ‘PM Assignment’ where we can assign a project manager, and it will run through and assign that PM resource as the Project Manager and owner for all the work items. 

However, that same action does not assign the PM as the ‘resource’ thats assigned the task, that’s still a placeholder. 

We cannot use the ‘native’ replace resource, as the team responsible is handling hundreds or projects per day, and I’m trying to reduce the number of clicks for them. Has anyone attempted something similar before? Am I overthinking this? 


Thank you for reaching out about managing assigning a project manager (PM) as both the Project Manager.

So, you've got this custom action called "PM Assignment" that assigns the project manager, but it doesn't automatically make them a worker on the tasks. 

Here are a few ideas to tackle this:

Custom Action Enhancement: If possible, modify the existing "PM Assignment" action to include assigning the PM as a resource.

Workflow Automation: Create a workflow triggered by PM assignment that automatically assigns the PM as a resource using API or built-in features.

Remember, there are ways to streamline this process. Try exploring these options and see what works best for your team!

I tried my best to answer your question, but there might be a more relevant answer out there. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

