I have been trying to find a way to better present the ‘expected progress’ of a project. The default calculations are soley based on durations, however, most project efforts are not perfectly linear like that, but rather more of an ‘S-curve’. What would be great is if there was a way to save the Time Phased forecast data when a project is ‘Baselined’, so that I could create a custom expected progress field to measure against the ‘baseline forecast’.
I have tried created a custom field to capture this via a worfklow, however, it does not seem these time phased fields can be updated via a workflow, or even manually. Am I doing something incorrect?
I also realize there is a field called ‘Original’ that may have been intended to serve this purpose, but I am struggling to figure out how this field is calculated, and it appears it cannot be changed once its populated.
Anyone have any ideas on how to create this custom functionality, or have some other solutions for the main goal here of producing a more realistic ‘expected progress’ KPI?