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Bulk Load Project Assignments - entering days/months for multiple projects & multiple people

  • 13 August 2024
  • 4 replies

I would like to upload our staffing forecasts (project assignments) as part of Roadmap Planning activity.

Is there any easy way to do this?

It would look something like this…..

    Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24
Project 1            
  Person 1 5d 5d 5d 5d 5d
  Person 2 10d 10d 5d 5d 5d
  Person 3 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d
  Person 4 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d
  Person 5 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d
Project 2 Person 1 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d
  Person 2 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d
  Person 3 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d
  Person 4 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d
  Person 5 6d 6d 6d 6d 6d

Thanks a million!

Hi June, 

I can certainly help you! 


Navigate to Project 1:

You will want to find the Resource panel and set display to Resource Planning, then change the Units to Person Days as well as set the time-phased display to Monthly in order to match your example above. 


Then for each resource, you will input the # of days that match your example above, use the checkbox displayed in the Project Assignment box to quickly extend the values into the future (or use Copy/Paste). 

NOTE: if my project is NOT 6 months long, the value will only get applied up to my Due Date and not through the entire 6 months. 


It took me about 2 min to recreate your Project 1 example above (for Resource #2 that drops down to 5 days in October, I just overwrote those values with 5d value). 

Then repeat these steps on Project # 2. 


Hope this helps! 


Hi June, I saw your comment on another post asking about this topic in relation to Project Assignments. I absolutely recommend going the route I suggested above as it seems to be the simpler route than Data Loader, however, I can appreciate your example may also be small for sake of demonstration. 


NOTE: That the Resource must already be assigned to the Project AND the Template works in DAYS not Months, like your example, so you will need to consider the manual calculations that come with this route. 


Here’s how: 

I opened Data Loader, (1) went to the Item Types header and located ‘Project Assignment. (2) Make sure to turn on Messages and bypass Rules. Then you can (3) download the template file.


Here is what the template looks like: 


I recommend copying this tab so you always have a ‘Template’ tab (so you always have a clean copy to reference as needed) and the FIRST TAB in your Excel will be the ‘Working tab’ where we input your custom data (see image below). 

In the image below, I have added reference comments to tell you what data is going into each. 


Here is how you will retrieve the Project’s external ID: 


Here is how you will retrieve the Resource Link: 

Add the <Resource>.ExternalID - this is the Resource Link ID and it IS DIFFERENT than the User’s External ID. 



Here is what my template looks like filled out: As this is written right now, it's going to update my Resource "My Name Here" to the Software Development project for 20 days at 4 hrs/day (50%) starting on 8/1/2024. 


Once I upload the data with Data Loader, I validate that the Resource received the correct Project Assignment: 


Thank you so much Mikayla, we use the first approach for individual projects and it works well.

We’re now doing our annual roadmap and your second approach is the one that I’m after.

I’ll give this a try!

Many thanks,


Good morning  @mikayla.martin 

I’ve given this a try but unfortunately, it will only update the resource line with my name and I get teh following error:  


An error has occurred (ref: ) Error:Error response status code during request to the AdaptiveWork API. Error Message: "June Stewart is not allowed to AddChild 'Default Import Project' Project"


