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Bulk Project Assignments for One Resource

  • 10 June 2024
  • 4 replies

Can I assign and delete tasks at the user level? Use Case: We have hundreds of projects and if someone new joins, or terminates, I have to manually go into each project and add or remove them. There has to be something I am missing that I can simply add bulk projects to one project and not have to go in to each one.

You could use Data Loader to bulk load resource assignments. If you need to replace resources, using the “Replace Resource” button on the resourcing tab for each project is the better route. I haven’t found a way to do this in bulk though, so it would require selecting each project individually. You could expand the “Assigned Work Items” panel on the User record to go through each project that needs reassignment. The “Resourcing” tab is available in this view.

Oh I thought you could us data loader, but have been told otherwise. Can you share which template and the best fields to use?

Thank you!

This is a fairly tricky process with data loader. I’m not 100% certain, but I don’t think it’s possible to directly replace a user from a Resource (RegularResourceLink) in one step. I think you need to delete the current Resource links in one data load, and then use a second data load to generate new ones for the new user. Deleting a Resource link requires the ExternalID of the link, which you can get by building a view or report and exporting to Excel. It’s just two columns in the data load template: EntityType and ExternalID. Then the import is fairly straightforward unless you’re setting allocations for those resources. The template for importing new Resources could be as simple as two columns, one to identify the work item and another to reference the user record. But it could get more complicated if you need to include units, job title for billing, or other fields. For this type of undertaking, I recommend you consider engaging with a professional services provider for assistance.

After getting some advice from our Customer Success Manager, we are starting to test out using the Task Assignment (WorkbyDay) data loader template to update assignments, as we also have a large volume of these. I don’t have too much experience with it yet but here are the parameters we are trying out:

  • Date: start date of the assignment
  • Resource Link: External ID of the resource linked to the task (can be viewed in the Resource Planning View for the project)
  • DurationInDaysInt - number of calendar days of the assignment should be applied (but the assignment is only applied to working days by default)
  • WorkAtDay - number of hours applied to each day formatted as “8h” (with the “h” included)

I would think this could be used to change someone’s assignment to 0 when they leave the project, but I haven’t tested this. Adding someone new to the project would still have to be done the manual way, I presume, since you need the External ID for this to work. We are still trying out the best way to use it.
