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Capacity Planning in Dashboard

  • 20 November 2023
  • 4 replies

Hey PV Community, 


I just wanted pick your brains if I may: 

I’m in the process of pulling department specific dashboards together and alot of them want to see resource allocation for their teams in a dashboard. 

We have allocation broken out by team/ resource type but are unsure on how to get this in a graphical report that we can put into a Dashboard. At present I can only see how to share the entire capacity view, but can’t see how to segment by the teams. 

  1. Has anyone done this? ​​​​​​If so, how did you achieve it?

Hello Hayley, 

You should be able to show this by creating a time phased report on user (grouped by user and/or group(team) and show their Capacity, Task/Project Assignments, Actual Approved (time entries) and more. This should give you the visibility you need into the resource allocation by team you are looking for.

Thanks Boris! I’ll give this a shot! Thank you 👌🏼

@bkrutiy hoping to pick your brain a bit more.


I’ve started trying to pull this report together and what it appears to give me is a person’s capacity (👍🏽) and Associated approved timesheets (👎🏽). I almost want Capacity and Demand in a report; having the projects their assigned to with the demand hours would be golden!  But I can’t seem to figure out how to get ‘demand’ within a report - any idea? 

Well that is based on how you are showing the assignment, by Task or Project. Most show by Task. If you want to see the user’s Capacity and Demand. This will show Capacity, Project (or Task) Assignment which references WORK or demand hours. “Assignment” references to the work users are assigned on Projects and Tasks (aka Demand). Hope this helps. 


Have a great Thanksgiving! 
