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Good afternoon, Planview team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out to request clarification regarding the limitations and governance mechanisms of the AdaptiveWork API, as outlined in the REST API Guide - Version 2.

Specifically, I would like to understand how to handle queries that require extracting more than 100 records, given that the documentation mentions the following:

  • Request batch limiting: The total number of requests that can be processed in a single call to the web service is 100.
  • Request limiting: The total size of requests sent in a single call to the web service must not exceed 25 MB.
  • Call limiting: 1,000 API calls per paid license per day, with a maximum of 1,000,000 calls per day.
  • Rate limiting: Up to 25 requests per second are allowed, with the quota being global for the organization, not per user.
  • Request conditions limiting: The total number of conditions (OR/AND/IF, etc.) in a single API call should not exceed 200 by default. If the quota is exceeded, the error "errorCode": "General", "message": "CZQL query has a maximum limit of 200 conditions" is displayed.

Considering that the data we need to extract may exceed 100 records, what are the best practices or recommended methods for making queries that involve handling a large volume of data? I would appreciate any guidance or strategies you can provide to optimize this process and ensure that requests are managed efficiently within the established limits.

Thank you in advance for your attention, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards

Hi Lucia. Many thanks for using the Community to post your question about the AdativeWork API. I would suggest posting this question in the AdaptiveWork channel - AdaptiveWork | Planview Customer Community.

I have spoken to the moderator, and she is working on a response for you.
