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Data Loader Timesheets

  • 16 May 2024
  • 2 replies


I am trying to use data loader to import timesheets for resources across various projects. I’ve referenced the Success articles and sample spreadsheets but I am still unclear on how to specify which timesheets go to which project. There is a field for the WorkItem I recognize but where do you specify the project? 

Alternatively I’ve also tried importing data (within the project, utilities tab, import) at a singular project level but when I do so I get this error:


Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

Hi Kayla

To upload timesheets, you need to perform and ADD action and not an UPDATE action, hence why you would NOT need a PK: reference.

In the WorkItem field you would need to specify the work item ID, for example T-12345.

Hereunder an example of a successfully uploaded file: 

WorkItem Duration ReportedBy ReportedDate
T-134503 1h Limor Schmitz


Thank you Limor!
