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Wanted to edit New User “Send Invitation” email:

  1. Add CC to the person who sends the invitation
  2. Format the email with wordings

Is this possible? or can we have this feature added?

I’ll be happy to be proved wrong, but I asked this question when we first started with AdaptiveWork and was told then that this is a non editable auto generated form.  I would support your call for the feature to be added though.


We could add this to our list of CR’s.

In the meanwhile I could suggest to create a workflow that notifies the person who was initiating the creation of the user with the wording of your choice.

Sure Limori, what will be the trigger condition to start the workflow? is that “Send an email invitation to this user”= True?

I see the invitations are not being sent when an update field action is set to “Send an email invitation to this user” field.

Hi Raja

The Send an email invitation to this user is typically set to true when the user is being created, unless the Admin consciously removed the checkmark.

I would therefore run the workflows when

  • a new user is created AND send an email invitation to this user = true
  • Send an email invitation to this user was changed to true (and wasn’t previously true)

Hope that helps.

Thanks Limori.
