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I am reaching out to the community for potential advice or solutions regarding an inefficiency in our current workflow.

My team frequently interacts with Project views and, as it stands, we find ourselves continuously performing the repetitive action of expanding our Project view to see all tasks associated with a project.

Default “Collapsed” Project View
“Expanded” Project View

Currently, the system defaults to a "Collapsed" Project View, and while this default setting maintains a clean interface, it introduces a time-consuming step that we must repeat with each project interaction. This process results in an accumulation of redundant clicks over time, representing a non-trivial impact on our productivity.


In a previous engagement with support last October, it was noted that a default "Expanded" Project View setting was not feasible.

Support Reply


Default Hybrid Grid View


However, it appears that a Default "Expanded" view is exactly what the Hybrid Grid view is offering today.  Regrettably,  the Hybrid interface lacks the 'replace resources' feature, which is critical to our workflow when using the classic view.

Consequently, even though the Hybrid Grid view expands by default, the absence of this key feature makes it an unsuitable alternative for our project management processes.

Is there a workaround or a potential modification that anyone has successfully implemented to enable a default "Expanded" Project View?

Any insights or shared experiences in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you Cory for your question & feedback

I would like to give you the Product perspective:

The reason the default is set to display a collapsed view is to reduce the load of the project work plan that could potentially be quite large.

We could think potentially of a way to leave it to the decision of our customer whether to set default to expand or collapse - this would need to be discussed

As for the Hybrid, we are incrementally adding functionality to it, which will also include the ‘replace resource’ functionality alongside others, I can however not provide you any specific timeline for that.

Hi Limor,


Thank you for the explanation, that makes sense. A ‘default’ / ‘expanded’ user preference would be amazing.


Out of curiosity, The Hybrid Grid view does seem to be expanded by default. At least, that’s how it appears set-up in the view I see. Is that not the case? I don’t have any experience with the Hybrid workspace, so perhaps I’m simply not interpreting what’s being displayed correctly.


Thanks again,
