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Financial Planning View Report & Chart

  • 5 September 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Planview Community, curious to hear if anyone has knowledge in creating a report with a chart that looks identical to the Financial Planning view of a project (sample below), ideally a crosstab?

Thank you!!!

Hi Kayla, 


I am not sure if you saw this Success article that covers the Time-phased reports:

A lot of it goes into creating User Capacity and Utilization reports, however the same report principles apply to creating Time-phased Financial Reports. Here are the key sections from the article above that relate to financials: 


‘Financial Resources ‘related data’ object in Reports:,Work%20item%20%3E%20Financial%20Resources,-Start%20from%20Work


OOTB system reports for Financials (these might be great starting points for ‘Save As’ and update the report to fit your use):,Financial%20Reports,-Performance%20for%20Time


If you get started on a Report following these articles and post your questions here(with screenshots), I am happy to help you with building your report!


Hope this helps, 

