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When employees leave our company (are terminated) their User State in AdaptiveWork changes to Suspended on their termination date via an automatic custom workflow. When we go into AdaptiveWork to reduce their assignment to projects/tasks to 0%, we can’t update the assignment because the User is Suspended. Some of our projects go on for a very long time, so it is confusing that these resources appear to be assigned after their termination date.

I was wondering if anyone else has come across this issue and how they address it? We have a large number of employees and terminations are not always announced/shared with enough notice for the AdaptiveWork user to update assignments prior to the termination date. We are also interested if anyone has developed an automatic process to change the assignment of terminated employees to 0% on all projects/tasks on the day after the termination date.

Thank you,

Carey Petrie

Hello Carey, 

You should be able to run your workflow rule that will first change Unit% and/or Maximum Project Availability on any Assigned work items, Owned work items and Managed work items depending on how related work items show in your environment. Then, you would update the state of the user to ‘suspended”

Hi Boris,

In this instance we do not want to update Units% because that would impact the entire assignment. Instead we want to change the assignment to 0% on a specific day and for a specific time period within the overall duration of the task.


Before updating the resource status to “Suspended”

  • Loop through the assignments/projects pertaining to that user
  • If its not started - you need to replace with appropriate replacement resource if identified through another process, else replace with generic resource (Placeholder resources)
  • If the task is already started and progress reported - you need to hold the activity performed by terminated resource - then you need to split the task into 2 and for the later you can have the replacement resource assigned for the first one - it will be 100% complete for the amount of work already performed by the terminated resource and assignment stays.

I dont think there is a way to update the units on specific days within a task during the duration of the task.



Hi Sakthi,

Thank you for your response - I was worried that this is the only option.

As I mentioned, sometimes the terminations are not announced far enough in advance for these steps to be taken, but where we do know the termination date in advance we will try to take the steps mentioned above. 

It would be nice if AdaptiveWork had an automated process to change the allocation to 0% on the day of termination (or the day after), in case this is something that can be considered for future development.


Yes, Carey.


There is no problem in automated process for the tasks which does not have progress. Only issue when there is progress reported and it has to be taken care of.
