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This seems like it would be obvious, but we are not finding an obvious solution to this:

  1. How does a Resource Manager get notified when a Resource (of a type they manage) is Requested?
  2. And then how does the Requestor (a PM) get a notification once a resource is approved and/or named resource is assigned?

Assigning Resources is just one part of people’s jobs here so those Resource Managers are not sitting around watching AdaptiveWork, waiting to see new Requests 👀🙂

  • Emails would be one thing we expect but do not find. 
  • We’d prefer a Slack post (but that doesn’t seem to be how the Slack integration works).
  • If it’s in the Activities or Alerts at the top of the page we’re missing it in the sea of uninteresting data that appears there.

Keywords: Resource Requests, Resource Assignments, Notifications, Notify

Hello Jamie,

AdaptiveWork is vast and so is our resources page in the CSC. I end up getting lost in that ocean as well trying to look for answers 😂

I'm not sure if you had a chance to look at Section 10 - Emails in the System Settings page so in case you haven't, please do as the option 10.11 in this section can help Resource Managers stay aware of the incoming requests. 
The Admins can enable 'Send daily staffing update email’ option so the Resource Managers are notified daily about requests awaiting approvals and requests awaiting assignments. 

Emails Section - System Settings Page - AdaptiveWork


On the 2nd question - As of today, a new email notification goes out to the Project Managers when a staffing request is approved, and a named resource is assigned. These email notifications are sent also for partially approved requests.

Another way to go about your use case will be to set-up a Workflow rule as Staffing Requests are supported in Customizations also. A workflow rule can be configured to send email notifications to Resource Managers when a new request is created and to Project Managers when a request is approved.

If you are going to take the Customization route, here's a link to an example Workflow rule that can be found in our Customer Success Centre to make things a little easier for you.

Hope this helps!


