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How to create a cross-tab report that uses Time-Phased data to show the Expense type (Capex/Opex) by week/month?

  • 6 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello All!  Can you create a Timesheet report with a cross table to show the Expense Type (Capex / Opex) by week for a month?  Thanks

I suspect you’re talking about a cross-tab report that uses Time Phased data. The crazy thing is that Timesheets are not actually time phased data themselves, but they do generate time phase labor data. So you might want to try writing your report using Work Item as the primary object, and then Labor Time Phased Data as the second. If you group by ID, you can use Expense Type as a Leading Column, or you can include the Task Assignment Capex / Task Assignment Opex columns in the Crosstab Columns.

Yes, very strange how Planview has done this.  Thanks, I’ll take a look at your suggestion.  Thanks
