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iCal Subscriptions Refresh/Update Timeframe not frequent enough - shorten it?

  • 25 May 2024
  • 8 replies

We are finding great success with using iCal Subscriptions to expose to Resources (who are not Users) their Assignments from AdaptiveWork.
Unfortunately, those iCal feeds do not seem to refresh very often (like only every 24 hours?).
Anyone know how often AdaptiveWork refreshes the data? 
And can we do anything to shorten the update cycle?
If there's no setting we can change (to 'update hourly' or the like) ... would it be feasible to create a Custom Action that gives us an "Update iCal Now" capability? If so, could you point me in the right direction for what Object or Action I need to manipulate to affect that?

Hi Jamie

iCal feed update is running over night and can currently not be made more frequent.

This is however an interesting idea to enhance our product behavior.

Thank you


Please could you see my file?

Thank you for your answer @Limori . I got a different answer when I opened a Case with Customer Support. The ‘Customer Care Consultant II’ who responded said:

I believe any changes to dates on tasks/projects are immediately reflected on iCal upon refreshing. Could you please elaborate on what exactly with iCal refreshes once every 24 hrs?


And then I discovered the following (also shared in that Case):

I started wondering if the issue is, in fact, not on your end... that is, the issue is not about how frequently AdaptiveWork PUBLISHES the data but about how often the Google Calendar REQUESTS fresh data.

Some research uncovered the fact that others have also struggled with this from various publishers of calendar data because Google Calendar only refreshes what the user sees in GCal about every 24 hours.


I'm testing some workarounds and will let you know if I can effect change on the Google side of this equation (so you can share the knowledge with others).


I suppose BOTH could be true @Limori - which would be doubly bad. 😱

Are you 100% confident in your answer? 

If we are certain that AdaptiveWork only updates the data it publishes in iCal feeds once a day then I will stop trying to “fix” the problem from the Google side as that would be wasted effort.

Please let me know!




I see you are the Product Manger so I assume your answer was correct and I will go ahead and ask my follow-on question:

Would it be feasible to create a Custom Action (or the like) that gives us an "Update iCal Now" capability?

Is there an Object exposed or Action in the system that I could use to affect that? We’d be willing to run a Custom Action after each instance where a Resource Manager knows they’ve been busy assigning (or re-assigning) resources in the system. We tend to do that work in batches. Our Resources can’t really wait a whole day to find out their project assignments (which may include travel) have changed. Plus there’s no indication of whether the data is fresh or not so everyone viewing the data would only be guessing and hoping that it was accurate at that time. 🫤

By the way, @Limori , if you want to collaborate with your Support staff on resolving this, here is my open case:

Thanks! Jamie

And that action also

@Patrick I don’t see how any of your posts or files are helpful. If they are real, please further explain your meaning.

If they are spam (like your text files full of ‘blah, blah, blah’ or random numbers) please stop replying.
