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Is blending Milestones & Custom Object fields in the same grid possible?

  • 26 May 2024
  • 5 replies

I want to create a custom object with 50 fields and link it to project and milestone.But I want to display 10 fields in each milestone which are relevant for the owner to fill.

then in next milestone i want same number of rows as previous milestone but add specific columns to it.

Hi Deepti - Are you looking for the best way to approach this from a UI perspective of the user? 

Yes, I am new to planview adaptive work.

Can you help with some sample configuration for this requirement?

I can absolutely help answer any questions that you have on it! The first thing that I would tell you is that in AW, you cannot blend Milestone fields and CO fields in the same grid. These are two different objects, so each object has its own set of fields and own views. However, you can create a Milestone view that shows your milestone property card on top and the CO panel below that. This will show you both objects in a single view but it will not allow for dynamic columns. 

Secondly, you can place dynamic views on the CO object. This would need a control field on the CO. Let’s call it View Type. Using dynamic layouts, you can set the CO View Type to Base View and when that view type = base view, only the 10 fields you wish to show will show. When the View Type changes, so say Expanded View, the AW can dynamically change the view you are looking at to show the additional columns. Check out the Success site for Dynamic Layouts. 

A third option you have is to create a combined Milestone/CO grid “view” by using an editable report. Reports allow you to start the report on the Milestone Object and then jump to the related CO allowing you to expose both the Milestone fields and CO fields in a single view. If the report is marked as editable, and you have edit permissions, you can make changes straight on the report without having to navigate back to the individual objects.

Finally, you can probably accomplish a blended view with custom panels but that is a much more advanced topic and probably not useful for your team.

I hope this helps!

If user enter 5 rows to my CO in milestone 1, is there a way to copy/see same rows in milestone 2 in same CO?

I don’t want to save it in a template but want to give user the power to enter the rows in milestone 1 and then in rest of the milestones different teams will enter data for same row.

Report is a separate module. I know it is editable but my requirement is to create  a project with 7 milestones and in each milestone the assigned resources will add the relevant column data for the SKU created by PM in milestone 1.

Layouts will set the property card of project, milestone etc. How will it define different columns for CO? To be visible in each milestone?

If it is still possible, please suggest a little config demo.
