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Is it possible to set separate workday hours specifically for a user group that can override global settings?

  • 4 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Planview Community,

I’ve got 8 hour work days set for a certain user group however when I add a full day’s Leave time in their calendar, it shows them OOO for 7.5 hours. I assume this is due to the global setting we have for all other users that work a 7.5 hour workday. Every time I try to edit the 8hr day resources’ leave to 8 hours instead of 7.5 hours. Is there a setting somewhere I can fix this? Thanks!



After setting the User Group’s calendar to 8 hour working days, did you hit the Apply on Members > Calendar option from the ribbon? Since users can be members of multiple groups, you have to tell AdaptiveWork when you want a group setting to apply to the members of that group. And keep in mind that calendars are hierarchical, with the user calendar taking precedence over others. If any given user has manually set their calendar preferences, those will be used instead of group or organization calendar settings for that user.

