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Is there a way to grant project property card edit permissions for profiles other than project managers?

Hello Kayla, are you referring to the actual property card layout or edit permissions to change the fields you see on the Project property card? First one would be layouts to show users based on criteria but permissions to change fields on Projects require editor permissions. Here are ways to do so…

  1. Project Manager - Self-explanatory - PM on project has editor permissions
  2. Owner - this is a secondary field on the Project where you can specify a secondary user that has full edit permissions on the Project. 
  3. Managers - If you have system setting 7.9 Multiple Managers enabled, the Project Manager or Owner has the permissions to add extra Managers. Anyone added as a Manager will have edit permissions.
  4. Permissions - This is a hidden field on the Project that can be updated by a PM, Owner or Admin. If you search the property card search field for Permission, you can add a user and type of permission (editor or viewer).
  5. Custom action - Last, if this is all locked down and you want users to have the ability to make a change even if they are not editors on the Project, a custom intake form can be configured to allow users to make changes. 

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much this was extremely helpful!

