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Is "Today()" function populating yesterday's date value? - Refer to "ToOrganizationalDateTime" function

  • 21 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello, I was hoping if someone could help me the below problem. In a workflow rule to set the Close Date field using Today() function, it is displaying yesterday’s date instead. I read about the UTC time zone and it is expected to show as yesterday but why doesn’t it do the same for the Date Opened field, which in a similar WFR is auto populating the date with Today() function and the correct date is shown. Has anyone had this experience? If it is a bug, I’ll follow process and raise it with the PV support team.



Have you been using To Organisation Date Time Function?  I’m in AU, so I tend to wrapper any date functions with this? e.g. toorganisationaldatetime(today()) 

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your reply. I am using Today() and never noticed until the above use case that it was returning yesterday’s date. I get that is how the field works so your solution makes sense so thank you for that. 


