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Hello everyone!

We have implemented a demand management process for our Programme Managers to upload the requests they receive from the business. We have noticed some similarities among requests coming from different areas. Any ideas on how to link them to avoid duplication?



Could use more details about this use case but if it is as simple as related requests on Projects, the simplest way is to have the PMs review the requests before uploading removing any duplicate data. You can also consider populating a field (OOTB or Custom) that would specify the “area” the request is coming from. This may not solve for duplication but would allow you to filter or segment where (or from whom) the requests are coming from and allow the Program Managers to validate the request with business area POC.

Hi Boris, 

Thanks for your answer. As for details on the use case:
- We created a custom action to submit requests/ideas. ​​​​

-Requests are not linked to a project, they rather stand alone until it’s decided to progress on that idea and carry on an assessment (that’s when a project is created and linked to the request).

-We have created fields to indicate the “area” the request is coming from, as well as use topics to identify commonalities among them

However, we noticed that different areas might come up with similar ideas. So we want to link those ideas, and keep track of their lifecycles. Any thoughts?




If you just want to create a link between the requests, you can create a custom field on the Request object as a Reverse reference to itself. In case you have not done this before, here is how you could configure the field… 

  1. Create a custom field on the Request object named “Similar Requests” or similar.
  2. Configure with type: Reference to object and reference is to itself “request”
  3. Check the box for Reverse Reference and call it Related Requests. 

Note: you will need to add the relation within Profiles in the Request » Fields & Relations » Related Items section

This should give you the ability to link Requests and see them on the Request. Note this is a 1:many relationship not many to many, not sure if that is required. Using a custom action can simplify the process too by creating the relations auto-magically. Here are some images of the field configuration and what the request will look like with the relations….






Hi Boris,


Maria is OoO and will be coming back in a few days, but in the meantime, thank you so much for this! We will test it and let you know how it goes 😄


Thanks again,

Thank you Boris! That was exactly what we were trying to do!! 😊

