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I have a case where a user has transitioned from one user group to another. We use capacity planning and his manager has changed, so his new manager needs awareness into his capacity. Since the user has active staffing requests, the system will not allow me to delete him from one group and add him to the new group. 

The only way I can think to do this is very manual - doing a resource replacement for all projects he is a resource for (replace with a placeholder), deleting him from his old group, adding him to his new group and having to go back in and resource replace the placeholder with his name. This resource has over 50+ staffing requests so this task will be rather time consuming. I’m looking to see if anyone else has had this happen - a resource needs to move from one group to another with active staffing requests - and if you’ve found a quicker way to get this completed?

Hello @Heather.Beatty,

Assuming that this user has over 50+ requests (unfulfilled ones), you can go about moving the resource from one group to another via a Custom Action Configuration on the user that runs on all 50+ linked Staffing Requests and changes the “Requested For” group.

Defining ‘ACTION ITEM’ in the CUSTOM ACTION snapshot -


Please ensure the Primary flag is on for the new group member link that will override the default Staffing Request settings that are defined for the “Requested from Resource Group” and switch all the unfulfilled Staffing Requests for that resource.


While we wait on other AW enthusiasts to share their ways of solving this use-case, give the custom action configuration a shot and see if it worked for you.



Thank you @sai.sravan!

I’m not sure this will work for me as all of the staffing requests are assigned to him currently. We use templates for our projects with placeholders for the user groups. Once the resource managers have assigned someone from their group to the project, the PM will go in and do a replace resource to change the user group placeholder to the person’s name. This person is currently assigned to 50+ projects as a named resource and will continue to work these projects (stay assigned to these same tasks) but needs to be moved to another resource group to give his new manager insight into his capacity and what projects he’s currently working on. 

I hope this is making sense - but I’m not sure your configuration above will work since he’s already assigned via staffing requests (by name) and the configuration looks like it would move the requests from one group to another (?)

Hi Heather,

The custom action configuration will help move the user along with the active staffing requests to the new group when it's run on the user but some more context definitely helped understand that it's not that simple either. I'm sure there will be many more layers apart from the templates & placeholders part, like dependencies, other workflows and so on that will have to be considered for a more complete solution. 

So, I believe it'd be a good idea if you can work alongside one of our SMEs who'd jump on a call with you to analyze your environment, processes & set-up while you walk them through all the details of your use case. It'd be an efficient way of achieving the desired outcome as I understand that there is no direct way of performing such action in the environment (yet) and the manual way is tedious.

You can involve your dedicated CSM from Planview who will assist in coordinating the necessary steps and facilitating communication between you and our SMEs.

Good day🙂
