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Is there a way make the “New” tab the default selection when adding an attachment to a custom action form? Please see the attached screenshot.

I know it can be set to default in the Profiles and that’s how we already have it, but I would like to see it default to the “New” tab when adding a file attachment to a custom action form.



Profiles is the way to do this. You have to specify this on every object you want this to occur. For example, if you want this to work this way when linking files to Projects then you would do the following…

  • Go to Settings » Profiles
  • Select desired Profile, expand Work Items and select Project
  • Select Field & Releations » Related items » click Edit.
  • On right-side, find File and make sure the New by Default column is checked


HI Boris, thanks for replying. I appreciate your time. Yes that is what I have done but it doesn’t work within an input form via custom action. We have a form with a field to attach a document. When I click on the … to get to the file upload, the default view is still Existing tab, not New tab.  Regards



You are correct. It is not working, I was able to reproduce. I suggest reaching out to support. They will likely say its an enhancement request but maybe they will consider it a bug and fix it. IMHO, because this functionality works on the OOTB Add form, it should work the same for the Add form within a custom action. Especially since it is configurable within profiles as mentioned above.

Thank you Boris for reproducing and confirming that it doesn’t work for you either. I’ll reach out to support as suggested and see what they say. Thanks again for taking the time to help.
