Hello Community,
I am trying to build a custom PPR that will send an docx report of a Project. Within the PPR template, there are some fields that I want to generate based on intake form variables I create within the custom action of the PPR. I know this can be done by creating custom fields and populating the variables within the fields but I do not want to use the custom field quota as its about 5 custom fields I would need.
Is it possible to generate variables as part of the PPR intake form and pass them to the docx. If so, what is the comment reference format required within the PPR template? Here is an example of what I am using to generate the Doc Publisher but the variables in red and bold below are not populating. However, the File Name below in green, which uses variables from the custom action does work. I am certain my syntax in the template file are simply incorrect. Does anyone have any examples of how to populate the docx with variable data?
GetCurrentIntegrationServerUrl() + '/DynamicUI/DynamicUI.aspx?DynamicType=ReportTemplate&SessionID=' + GetSessionId()
+ '&ItemType=Project'
+ '&ItemExternalId=' + $ExternalID
+ '&TemplateExternalId=3pg7ivtmce5zovlzmudvjy7k185'
+ '&OutputType=DOCX&PrintMode=Clean'
+ '&attach=TRUE'
+ '&AddPost=FALSE'
+ '&FileName=' + UrlEncode('Periodic Project Report '+ToString(PreviousStart,'yyyy-MMM-dd') + ' - ' +ToString(NextEnd, 'yyyy-MMM-dd'))
+ '&SendEmail=true'
+ '&recipients=' + UrlEncode(recipients)
+ '&PreviousStart=' + UrlEncode(tostring(PreviousStart))
+ '&PreviousEndNextStart=' + UrlEncode(tostring(PreviousEndNextStart))
+ '&NextEnd=' + UrlEncode(tostring(NextEnd))
+ '&reportdate=' + UrlEncode(tostring(ReportDate))