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Hello, for our resource forecasting we’ve been requesting/assigning Placeholder (i.e $Config) resources prior to assigning to a specific resource. Since they are a Placeholder and don’t have actual Capacity, we’ve zeroed out their capacity via the Placeholder’s calendar. However, now we cannot request/assign the Placeholder because AW processes it as an actual user with no availability. The reason we zeroed out the Placeholder resource’s capacity is because it was skewing the metrics in capacity planning, making it look like we had additional team member availability/capacity when it was really just a placeholder.


Does anyone have advice on how to request/assign a Placeholder resource without a Placeholder’s capacity getting counted into Capacity Planning?

Do you use user groups for capacity planning? If so, perhaps removing the placeholder users from those user groups would not skew the metrics.

If not, it seems that Planview is about to release a new “User Placeholder” functionality that might solve this issue:

We had the same issue for our discipline groups - we ended up moving the $ resources to separate group called “discipline - unallocated” for each different discipline. 

it works well in that our capacity numbers aren’t affected, but to find out the total “demand” for each discipline group we have to add the demand for the allocated and unallocated groups.

I haven’t looked into the user placeholder yet, but on first glance I couldn’t see if you could associate a rate and therefore get a revenue forecast using them. 
