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When a user goes to add a file to an object in Adaptivework, the prompt shows the “Existing” and “New” tabs. As we don’t want some files to be visible by certain users in our instance, I would like to remove this “Existing” tab entirely or make sure that I’m able to control what is visible in this tab.

Can this tab be removed? And how is access to see these files dictated? Seeing that some accounts can see certain files under existing even when not added to a Case, Project, etc. that has said file



We use the following custom CSS to hide the “existing” tab with Files.  Add it to the global CSS to hide for all, or at a profile level:

.add-related-objectbdata-relation="ATTDOCS"] .add-object-tabs aatabindex='1'] {display:none;}


AdaptiveWork seems lacking in the area of “file management”. I think all users can see every file in the system with that “Existing” tab, which is why we hid it. Not sure if enhanced permissions changes that.

Curious how others handle this-- or if there’s a different answer.

Glad to hear I’m not alone in this! Just added in that CSS for the “Add Related” button on the object (Thank you!!!!)

Also hi-jacked it a little for the File add prompt triggered on a Custom Action. CSS below made it so the “Existing” Tab is gone when the File add prompt is triggered in a Custom Action, however I can’t find a way to default that pop-up to land on “New”. Going to continue to pursue this via CSS

.add-related-objectddata-classid="34"] .add-object-tabs adtabindex='1'] {display:none;}

I also signed up for the Kolme Office Hours this afternoon and I’m going to bring this up. I’ll be sure to loop you in on what they say

Nothing configurable in AdaptiveWork, but they suggested to go the CSS route. Not perfect, but the CSS below gets the job done on the file prompt within a Custom Action

.add-object-tabs {display:none;}
[data-ctrl="FindWindow"] {display:none;} 
.add-related-object> div:nth-child(3) {display:block !important;}
