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Resource Capacity Adjustments

  • 16 April 2024
  • 2 replies


Is there any way to update a users capacity (or create a new custom capacity) without having to update a users calendar? E.g. a resource has 80% capacity for Project work. Trying to reflect this in a users calendar is near on impossible due to the admin overhead month by month. 

Alternatively can anything like this be achieved via a custom method? e.g. not using calendars or the capacity module but being able to state a capacity e.g. 80% and then reference this in reports?

Many Thanks,


Hi Sean

Thank you for your question. What should that 80% represent? Should it actually refer to as the availability to take on and be allocated to projects? I this case you could set the Default Member Availability of that user to 80%, which means when allocated, it would only spread allocations to not exceed 80%. This would also be reflected in resource load and planning and highlighted in red, if allocation exceeds 80%.

I hope that will solve this for you.

Let us know.


I stumbled on this post as I actually had the same question. When I inquired about using that field it only represents how available they are at max for new projects assignments. Not overall capacity. For example, we have employees that are only part time - .25, .50, .80 and on and on. I want to be able to have their total capacity for any work calculated to that FTE. Is there a way to do this outside of updating calendars? 
