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Hi everyone! 

Looking for insights on our lastest challenge: reporting on tasks from a Project and its Sub-Projects in one slide

Context: Our project operates in Phases (sub-projects), each with its own set of tasks and milestones. These phases often run concurrently, meaning we might have "Phase 1 - Testing" and "Phase 2 - Design" happening simultaneously. Weekly, we provide project progress updates to stakeholders via a .pptx file generated from AW. This one-pager typically includes Project details, RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status indicators, and a table displaying upcoming tasks alongside their due dates and statuses.

Attempts so far:
1.  Initially, we attempted to incorporate Sub-Project tasks into our existing table by adding a new row. Unfortunately, this approach only populated the Sub-Projects themselves and failed to include tasks from within each sub-project.

2. We also experimented with repeating slides for each Sub-Project's tasks. While this method successfully displayed tasks associated with each sub-project, it resulted in the creation of multiple slides, one for each sub-project, which isn't ideal for our concise reporting format.


How have you managed to effectively report on both Project and Sub-Project tasks within a single slide or concise presentation format? Any insights, tips, or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences. Thanks in advance for your contributions!

Dear Maria

Thank you for your question.

The standard way to use Slide Publisher is how you described. There is however a workaround that you can implement that would allow you to report on project and subproject tasks in a single slide.

Assuming that you would not want to report on ALL tasks within a workplan of many subprojects, I’d like to suggest you to create a custom field on Task level or Work Item level of type ‘Reference to Object’ pointing to ‘Project’. Please make sure to mark that field with ‘Reverse Reference’ and provide it a label, e.g. SP Tasks

The subprojects and tasks that you wish to have included in Slide Publisher, you would need to associate to your project (that holds the subprojects) and from which you run the ‘Publish Slides’ action.

When you then create the Slide Publisher template you will be able to find & select the ‘SP Tasks’ as associated list items for Projects:


Hi Limor! Thanks so much for your time explaining the workaround. Tested it and worked bautifully 😍



