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Hello! My organization has the Salesforce integration set up, to create projects based on some Salesforce triggers. We have also enabled the Salesforce /AdaptiveWork “Sync Social” feature so that posts from SF synchronize with those from AW and vice versa. 


The issue is that whenever posts written by someone without an AW license are synchronized from SFDC, they all show as being written by me, being the system admin and default workflow user. This not great as obviously we want to keep track on who was actually responding to the questions and conversations; and keep track of that data. I assume changing the default workflow user from myself to some integration user would not be enough as it still show the user as having generated those conversations as opposed to the real users, unless I’m mistaken. Is there a way around this?

Hi Eric

Thank you for enquiry.

While AdaptiveWork does keep track of who has submitted a discussion post, I wonder whether those non-licensed users are synced back to Salesforce. I imagine if Salesforce does not recognize those users, it cannot state who has replied and AW registers the same with the default workflow user. That would be worth a check.

What do you think?

Thanks @Limori! I’m looking at the fields we synchronize and it seems we do sync the user ID to a similar field in AW. We also use the email address as an identifier. Is there any other field I should be looking at?
