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Hi everyone!

I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out once again with a question that I'm hoping the community can help with.

Context: Recently, we've implemented capacity management within our company, and we've encountered a challenge in tracking the reasons for rejecting staffing requests. It's become apparent that having a log or record of the reasons for rejection would greatly benefit our resource and project managers, while also provide an audit trail.

What We've Tried:

  1. Discussion Posts: We explored using discussion posts within staffing requests to capture rejection reasons. However, we found accessing these discussions to be cumbersome, requiring users to navigate through multiple clicks. Is there a way to streamline this process, perhaps by displaying discussions as a column?

  2. Custom field + Custom Action + Workflow Rule: Another approach we considered was creating a a pop-up window would prompt the rejecting user to enter the reason, upon rejection.
    For this we created a custom field ('Reason for rejection') under staffing request entity.
    We then created a custom action ('Reason for rejection') that would update that custom field (also created for staffing request entity).
    Finally we created a workflow rule for staffing request entity.
    Evaluation cireria: $State='Rejected' (Run only when the conditions are met)
    Action > Notify > Popup notification Notifiy current user session

    Notification body: Please describe briefly why the resource can't be allocated to the project: {HyperLink(GetCustomActionUrl('Reason for rejection',GetRuntimeParameter(CurrentObject())))}

    Although this generated the pop up notification and a clickable link, when clicked the following error message appeared: "The Staffing Request cannot be displayed. It was either deleted or you don't have permissions to view it."  

Q: How do you currently track reasons for rejection in AW? Have you encountered similar challenges, and if so, how did you address them? I'm open to any insights, tips, or alternative approaches that you may have.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences. Thank you in advance for your contributions!

Best regards,

Thank you for reaching out, We appreciate your question which appears to be more technical in nature. We want to ensure that we provide you with accurate response. We are working diligently to get the most suitable response. 
