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I created a custom panel, but cannot get the font type and size to match what the standard related items panels look like. (I did inspect the out of the box related items panels and copied the styles into the Advanced → Style for my custom panel). Can someone tell me what's wrong/what I’m missing with my style code? 

.tbl-container {margin-top:10px;}

.tbl {border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; background:#fff;}

.tbl td {padding:7px 5px; border-bottom:1px solid #d5d5d5;}

.tbl .lbl {color:rgb(0, 132, 137);}

.tbl .lbl {letter-spacing: -0.3px; }

.tbl .lbl {font-weight: 600; }

.tbl .lbl {font-stretch: 100;}

.tbl .lbl {font-size: 12px; }

.tbl .lbl {font-family:12px/bold "Muli","Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}

.tbl .lbl {font-style: normal; }

.tbl .lbl {text-decoration: none !important}

.tbl .val {font-weight: bold; }

.tbl .val {font-family:12px/normal "Muli","Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif}

.tbl .val {letter-spacing: -0.3px; }

.tbl tr:first-child td {border-top:1px solid #d5d5d5;}

.tbl tr {background:#fff; transition: background 0.25s ease;}

.tbl tr:hover {background:#f6f6f6;}

.tbl tr:hover .lbl {color:#333;}

Sorry I don’t have a solution for you but I have come across similar problems with the fonts not applying on custom panels.

Weirdly I don’t have the same issue on the full custom pages.

Hello @jkharin Jennifer,

It’s a little too tricky to decipher the issue just by looking at the code so can you please share a few snapshots/screenshots of what you are currently seeing vs what’s actually expected w.r.t font in the Custom Panel?


Hi Sai, I’m wanting the font size and style of the words in the custom panel titled, “EPM Highlights” to match the font size and style in the “Resources” panel where it says, “Jen Kharin” - what is the bold print size and font style?:


Hello Jennifer,

There may be a potential issue with the detection and application of the font and font size for the custom panel you have recently recreated within your environment.

In order to address and resolve this matter comprehensively, I kindly request the involvement of one of our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). This expert will conduct a thorough analysis of your environment, examine the out-of-the-box (OOTB) code snippet, and provide recommendations for the most effective way forward.
To initiate this process, I recommend that you reach out to your designated Customer Success Manager from Planview who will assist in coordinating the necessary steps and facilitating communication between you and our SMEs.


