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Hello Planview Community,

I’m creating a report where I want to show our calculated utilization % month to month YTD but I want to exclude months with 0 data in it within the highlighted calculations as it drags down overall %(i.e. future months). I tried filtering the highlights to exclude where approved time is not null but get this error: Data types Duration and Numeric not compatible for '<>' operation.


Seeking any advice on how to set our report Highlights to calculate from only months that have data - so exclude the 0 data of future months(since we wouldn't have utilization for the future yet).


Example: Total January and February data calculates to 80% but due to the highlights calculating data from future months with no data yet, it shows the total highlight as 20%.


Appreciate any input. Thank you!


By looking at the error message: Data types Duration and Numeric not compatible for '<>’ operation, it seems like you are trying to perform an operation on two different field types and in this case it is Duration and Numeric. So, please try and confer the respective 'Duration’ field also to numeric value and let me know if that worked for you.

