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We have two financial models, one for programs and the other for projects.

When we do the planning portfolio in the capacity part, we select a program and the financial model of programs appears naturally.

In the demand part a predefined project financial model appears and I cannot select the new one I created

Yenny, we recommend using a single “mega” Financial Model across both Strategy and Work, this simplifies the process of having the one “pile” of Financial Management data across strategy and work that you bring together into a Planning Portfolio.

If you are using separate models (which used to be the only way of configuring Financial Management before the enhancement (many yeas ago now) that delivered mega models, then there is an intermediate load process that is required. In the strategy model you define the Associated Work Model, then you need to run the Load from Work to Strategy which aggregates the Work Financial Data into the same data structure (accounts and lines) as the Strategy Model, so that you can use it in a Planning Portfolio.

A Planning Portfolio requires that the capacity data and demand data have the same “structure” of accounts and lines to that the capacity/targets and demand can be balanced and pivoted in the ICP screen.
