Looking to add a CUSTOM long text data field to the ODATA feed that I can use on my Power BI portfolio dashboard. I’d like to add it to the Project Dimension but I cannot get the SQL working correctly.
I have tried this
, isNull((select s.description
from ip.structure s
where s.structure_code=pv.overall_stat_comm), 'Unassigned') as iOverall Status Assessment]
and I have tried this
,(select STRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max),line_text), '') within group (order by isnull(line_number, 1) asc)
from ip.long_text
where key1 = 'overall_stat_comm' and key2 = pv.ppl_code) as pOverall Status Commentary]
As you can see, i’m feeling around in the dark here so any assistance greatly appreciated.