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I am quite new to PV and I wonder what URL parameters are available in Planview. Explicitly I tried to create a link based on a Work ID. Unfortunately, it seems that only the Project Code (sc=12345) is used in the URLs. For the end-user, only the Work ID is know and available in our overviews. This makes it difficult to create direct links for example in automatically created reminder mails.


Is there any documentation which parameters are available? As it might be a customized thing, I already asked my admin but he isn’t aware...maybe I asked the wrong question?

Any hint is appreciated:) Thanks in advance.


@Enze - so to clarify are you wanting to create automatic links or you want to know how to identify the correct code to add to a link that will then be manually added to an external entity (not in Planview)?

The scode, or sc, is the seq ID of the entity.  So for work, in a column set you could display the Work ID and the Seq ID.  So if you know the Seq ID of a project (or strategy) you can then update it within the URL to navigate to a different project. (or maybe you already know that part).


Best regards,


@pamela.sargent  I am looking for a way to create links outside of PV to navigate to certain pages of PV. As an example, I would like to add links on SharePoint lists/sites and Power BI directly to a certain page.  I try to understand the URL extensions better and I hoped that there might be some general documentation of pt/ptab,etc. 
As for the Seq ID (sc) I understood it’s a one 2 one relation to the Work ID. As our users only use Work ID, I wonder if there is a direct way to create a link to it. 

Instead of ….?pt=PROJECT&st=$Plan&scode=123456
something like ….?pt=WORK&st=$Plan&scode=78910
