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Hi - 

Is there a defined Planview.ME roadmap to see what widgets are being made available to Planview.Me and when?


A lot of stakeholders were expecting a bit more to be released after some of the demos/news about Planview.Me.  I also question if it’s worth it to introduce to our stakeholders without knowing if we’ll be getting new widgets, what those widgets will be, and when they are planned to be delivered.


Any information on this would be very helpful, Thanks!

@Agrant - that is why we have chosen to hold off on implementing, wait until we can create Overviews by license and not a 1 for all view. Also, to allow more time for more value add widgets.  

@Agrant - that is why we have chosen to hold off on implementing, wait until we can create Overviews by license and not a 1 for all view. Also, to allow more time for more value add widgets.  

@pamela.sargent  - That’s what I’m thinking we’ll be doing as well.  Need to be able to see the whole picture before letting it loose on Stakeholders! (for lack of better words)

Same for our organization.  We’ve held off on both Planview .ME and Overviews in Portfolios until there are more useful widgets.  

Chiming in with agreement to the others. We want to wait until notifications and a few other project-oriented widgets are available. I agree that creating them by license type will be good, but best would be for people to be able to create their own.

I wasn’t able to attend but it looks like as part of the preview for the June 2024 update, they are introducing additional features around controlling view access.  I’m looking forward to testing this out as that should help turning off less useful widgets when/if we introduce this.


Here’s the link to the previous Monthly release previews:

Planview Portfolios Customer Webinars - Planview Customer Success Center


The View access controls start on slide 48

We may actually wait until people can create their own views rather than only making them for the users. There would still be some standard views, of course. I’m looking forward to some of the forthcoming widgets that will be useful to project managers.
