I am also our main admin and I create all the user accounts. One thing I do, is after I setup their user account and resource record, is going into their first timesheet and add a standard activity, either Training or Time Off. That should be enough for the RES12 report to start picking them up.
Hi @Thbutler,
Thanks for a very prompt reaction and your suggestion!
We have considered this solution but since we’ve got a high volume of movements in the resource pool each month this workaround would add an extra load. Additionally, resources are created automatically through integration, so manually adding activities could complicate the process further. In your case, would it work to add any entry (even 1 hour) and then remove it next day? That should still create the record in the ip.time_reported table, correct?
I would assume that would work. We have a decent volume, but all our account admin is done manually. For the timesheet I don’t put in any hours. I finish setting up the resource on the resource screen then click on their timesheet. Then I just add a standard activity to the first timesheet, and nothing else. That does enough for the person to show up in RES12 for me.
If I recall correctly, the report will list a new resource as missing a timesheet if the resource has a start date entered on resource detail and has not submitted a timesheet for time periods after the resource start date.
Something may have changed. But from personal experience, if a user doesn’t go into their timesheet they do not show on the RES12 report even if they have a start date listed. The timesheet has to be looked at or touched in order for them to appear. We ran into this issue when we first started using Portfolios. Which is why when I create a new user/resource I pull in a standard activity into their timesheet by default.
I just performed a test in our sandbox and confirm that a new resource who has not done anything in their timesheet will not show up. Res08-Timesheet Compliance will show these situations though. We utilize that in addition to a tile that we had created that shows all of the different statuses, with a count of timesheets by status by resource. The column for Needs Approval is a clickable link that takes the RM to the timesheet period screen to select one to approve.
@mlea - before I make the offer, would it be an issue if I shared the code in the configuration of this tile called ‘Timesheets Requiring Attention’ that we had made via a RAS case?
This issue has been confirmed as a bug by Customer Care but it was moved to the backlog queue. Unfortunately, we don’t have any timeline for when it might be resolved, as we were informed that it is not considered a severe issue and impacts only a small number of clients. @mlea we’ve tried various approaches and thoroughly tested this report.
We have tested this report from end to end, and unfortunately, if a resource has never logged time they simply don’t appear in this report. @pamela.sargent, thank you for testing on your end and confirming the behaviour of this report. On our side, we also created a “Missing Timesheet” dataset that we can share if needed. We created this dataset ourselves due to the limitations of the standard functionality. However, we are facing a similar problem here: the time_reported table includes records of blank timesheets only if there is at least some data in them, even if it’s just a 0-hours entry.
The RES 08 report is a very useful tool, but unfortunately, it does not flag all possible statuses.
This is a known issue since I started working with Portfolios 10 years ago… Planview has not addressed it. As a work-around, we engaged Planview to write us a custom “Overdue timesheet” report where individuals that have not submitted any timesheet do show up. As others on this thread, our resource onboarding is automated (via interface) and we don’t have manpower to create the first timesheet for new resources.
@SilFurman, Thanks! This is exactly our case. We don’t have the manpower to create the initial timesheet for new resources, as our resource onboarding process is fully automated. We had a long discussion with CustomerCare, and they finally admitted that this is a bug, but from what I can see in their latest response, we shouldn’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon. We are looking for a solution that doesn’t require GRS involvement, as this is a standard feature that everyone should be able to use without needing to pay for custom reports. If a custom report can be written, it should also be possible to enable this function for a broader audience since, again, it’s a standard feature. Additionally, the ts_overdue_res, which I assume your report is built on, is limited by the Cut-off date, so I don’t think any trending (let’s say 6 months or longer) will be possible. Unless it's different in your case? We would be happy to create our own reports if these fields and database logic were different.