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We just started using the Skills alternate structure with in Portfolios to allow PMs to fill resource needs easier.  We are about ready to roll it out but wanted to turn the Quality Ranks off or hide the drop down.  Is there any way to do this?  I don’t see any option on a configured screen to hide the drop down nor an option to turn it off from System Options.  Is the only way to get rid of this to delete all the ranks?

I do not believe there is a way in the UI to remove quality ranks, as a whole, from the skills alt structure.  You may be able to submit a case to PV Customer Care and ask if they can remove the skill structure from the resource_quality table, and if that would stop the need for entering a quality rank against a value selected. 

Thanks I will look into it.  In the meantime we’ve removed all values except one and set it to N/A. 
