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I am building a tile to show any projects opened in the last two weeks.    Is there any way to do this in a tile?   I am using a fixed date now but this will need to be manually updated every week.  Any ideas appreciated.



@MGMullen - unfortunately I do not believe there is a way to do this within the Analyze tile as you can only select an attribute value or a fixed date vs being able to put in a formula like Today()-2. 

This may need to be a custom table report instead where you write/paste in SQL code that would restrict what data shows up on the report. 

@MGMullen you may also consider voting, if you haven’t already, on the enhancement request for how portfolios can be defined:

In addition to voting on this idea you may also search for all requests about “Portfolio Definition” and see if there are others that resonate with you. 

@MGMullen We have a tile for this but it is a customized table with a query rather than a tile from the Analyze feature (as mentioned by Pamela above). I would be happy to share the query we used with you, but you may have to adjust it in case of any customizations.

That would be appreciated @RobinB if you would share the query.   We have not done any custom table reports yet.

@MGMullen sure, here is the query, our tile is for 30 days so you will have to adjust it for days and for any customizations. Hope it helps!



SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(10),proj_inf.entry_date,101 ) AS creation_Date ,proj.short_Name AS work_ID , 
'<a title="' + strut.description + '" href="froot]/PLP/EntityLandingPage.aspx?pt=PROJECT&scode=' + proj_inf.planning_code+ '">' + strut.description+ '</a>' AS projName
FROM ip.project_info proj_inf
INNER JOIN ip.planning_entity proj ON proj.planning_code = proj_inf.planning_code
INNER JOIN ip.structure strut ON strut.structure_code = proj_inf.planning_code
WHERE proj_inf.entry_date >= getdate()-30
ORDER BY proj_inf.entry_date

@RobinB   Thank you!
