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I am curious what other customer do to provide read/view only access in Portfolios.   We have two types of roles but neither is quite right.   We go between the Team member role but that roles doesn’t allow access to Strategy and Programs or a Requestor role but this role doesn’t allow the user to create/maintain portfolios.    We would love to use the Requestor license more but are worried about the administration of the portfolios that is needed to support this type of role.     Any thoughts appreciated.

Hello ​@MGMullen, at NASCO we only use the Portfolio Manager role, Team Member and System Admin.  We then control access via permissions.  So all Work/Project Managers receive a R/O permission to all work. This way when they build a dynamic portfolio they can ensure they are pulling in everything. Some will also receive a R/O to all resources depending on their responsibilities. 

Our Team Members have the feature of View, and Use, Project and Resource Management. This way if they receive a R/O permission they can still access the PM/RM screens, however they cannot assign resources or change attributes even if someone accidentally gives them R/W permission. However, you are correct that there is the limitation of access to Strategy & Outcomes.  If they need to see that information then a Portfolio Manager role is probably a better option.

When it comes to financial information, like rates for individual resources, we have that locked down to only some licenses where we enable the feature of View Resource Rates and Cost.

So I think it depends on what screens you want them to be able to see vs not and then what should they be able to edit which is controlled by the permissions (or more granular with edit features on specific attributes). 

Hope this helps,

Pam Sargent


Take a look at the User Role Matrix available here. You will see there is a Requestor licence type that we recommend for customers asking for your use case. 
The licence type/user role gets combined with the grants/permissions to determine what use can see and what they can see on it (features).
