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I am wondering what sets the default Work Portfolio.  No matter what the last Work Portfolio I view, when I come back into Work, this one Work Portfolio always comes up.  I no longer care about it so i guess I can delete it but I’m wondering what is causing it to always be my default.  

@MGMullen The system is designed to return to the last visited portfolio or entity (such as a project or strategy) when navigating to sections like Work, Resources, or Strategy. This behavior is stored in the database and is intended to make it easier for users to continue working where they left off.  the most common user behavior we've found was just returning to work on their last-visited item.

Like Partha said, you should see the last portfolio you looked at. I’d be interested to find out what would cause the system to take you to a different portfolio. Do you have more than one Portfolios window open? It may go to the one in the open window (just a wild guess).

It was definitely a bug.  It is being worked on.  Thanks for the responses!
