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Today, the custom action form size on some of our custom actions changed? Wondering if anyone else has seen this change and if something was changed in the system to do this?


Also, I can’t remember how we set the size of those forms. I think it was in global css but if someone has the solution, please can you let me know so I can change them back to what we had before.



there was a note in the recent release notes:

Changes in Custom CSS

Widen the input forms for Custom Actions

In case you have been using Custom CSS to widen the input forms for Custom Actions, please note that the code that used to work until now:

/* CUSTOM ACTIONS POPUP / div.pop-containerrdata-id="confirmbox*"] { width:700px !important; left:50% !important; margin-left:-350px; }

needs to be replaced with the following code:

/* CUSTOM ACTIONS POPUP WIDTH / div.pop-containeredata-id="ca-parameters*"] { width:700px !important; left:50% !important; margin-left:-350px; }
