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We're excited to announce that the latest August release of PPM Pro introduces multi-currency support in requests! This enhancement allows our global customers to seamlessly work across countries and submit requests in their home currencies. This has been one of the most requested features, and we’re thrilled to deliver it!
This release is a continuation of our ongoing efforts to enhance multi-currency support and reporting within PPM Pro. Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve rolled out so far this year:

  • Multi-Currency in Reporting: Users can now create reports and dashboards in their preferred currency, offering greater flexibility and precision.
  • OData Support in R2D2 (v2 of Reports and Dashboards): Enabling more robust data integration and reporting capabilities.
  • Performance Boosts to Reports and Dashboards: Significant improvements, with some reports now running orders of magnitude faster.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support! We’re committed to making PPM Pro even better, and we can’t wait to see how these new features enhance your workflows.

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