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We often receive questions for Enterprise Architecture regarding Staging data between enviornments. Staging data can be a broad topic and is important to understand and the documentation may not be able to answer some more specific questions. We can do that here in our new Community!

Here is a recent example:

EA gurus: When I copy Portfolios Prod to SBs, what happens with the EA platform? Does it have a copy feature as well? EA Prod to EA SB? Thank you! Hoping this is very easy to answer.

Feel free to reply with more questions for future answers!


When I copy Portfolios Prod to SBs, what happens with the CTM platform?

Nothing! The staging actoins for EA and Portfolios do not affect each other. There is always an exception, right? If the connector has been configured to sync data (Projects, Capabilities, and Applications/Outcomes) between Portfolios and EA then the logs should be reviewed.


Does it have a copy feature as well? EA Prod to EA SB?

Yes! EA does have a copy feature. EA can be staged partially or fully. Partial is a manual process using exports and imports. Nearly the whole of EA from schema to configuration to instance data can be staged. Fully is a task for our Cloud Operations team. A support case to our oprations team will initiate a complete copy.



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