Are you an EA Administrator? This product update is for you!
For those who are upgrading or getting ready to upgrade to our April release for Enterprise Architecture (EA), you'll notice something new within your administration pages which is a completely redesigned Job Manager page! We are working to modernize EA and have started with the Job Manager as a starting point by implementing the Planview design standards! This is the first of MANY to come and we're so excited to bring it to you. This will be the foundation block to ramp up and deliver more modernized pages for our customers especially those that use more than one Planview product. This will allow for an easier and faster way of learning our products and how they work by following best practices and standards on how we design our products.
If you have not had a chance to look at it and are not on our April release yet please look for your scheduled upgrade date or request an upgrade through salesforce! For those who may be interested in hearing about what else we're working on, don't forget to register for our Inner Circle where we're talking about multiple modernization efforts now!