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Question for the community:  Has embracing change management techniques helped you drive project success?

Why does OCM matter?

Change is unavoidable, and your teams will either run from it or embrace it. Embracing change is crucial for innovation and maintaining a competitive advantage.

Change Management WILL help you drive project success. If your projects are behind schedule, over budget, or lack employee engagement, it’s time to start asking WHY and discovering HOW a strategic change plan will help you meet or exceed your objectives.

Effective OCM includes:

  • helping employees adapt to new processes, technologies, or strategies
  • minimizing resistance to ensure a smoother transition
  • communication planning
  • training programs
  • stakeholder engagement

Benefits of OCM:

  • Smoother transition periods: Periods of change are easier and less complicated (e.g., implementing new Product or Value Stream Management practices)
  • Increased employee engagement: Employees are involved in the change process and concerns are addressed and support is provided, resulting in an increase in engagement
  • Effective communication: Leadership communication regarding organizational vision is enhanced, resulting in increased trust and reduced resistance
  • Improved adaptability: Continuous learning, flexibility, and willingness to embrace change is encouraged, resulting in an ability to quickly respond to market shifts and stay ahead of the curve
  • Increased innovation: Employees are encouraged to think creatively, challenge existing processes, and propose new ideas

What’s next? Is OCM really worth the effort? SPOILER ALERT, YES, IT IS! Thanks to PROSCI, we even have the metrics to prove it! STAY TUNED! 


Love this, Stephanie! In my career I have seen it done well, I have seen it done poorly, and I have seen it done as best as possible when leadership doesn’t want to put the proper change resources on a project. The happiest end users are the ones that have been prepared for the change. I am proud Planview is talking about Change Management more and more!

I am so glad you are here @melissastock! Thank you for joining our community and helping me advocate for OCM over the past couple of years. I truly appreciate your partnership!
