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❔ Question for the community: What success metrics do you track? What Planview Reports do you use to track those metrics?


Last week I wrote about the importance of celebrating success and recognizing achievements, which might have you thinking…How do I measure success? It’s honestly one of the most frequently asked questions I receive! Well, drum roll please….it depends on what success looks like to YOU. Some metrics can be gathered using your Planview tools, while others might be captured outside of the tool, but no matter where you source your metrics, one commonality applies – Governance must exist.

For example, timesheet compliance. Success metrics can be captured by tracking the number of timesheets submitted on time, but individuals still need to determine what “on time” means – is it every Friday or every day? While a timesheet compliance or forecast accuracy report may help you determine if an individual is following the proper procedures, the individuals still need to understand what success looks like.

Expectations are tricky and it’s imperative that leaders not only set expectations but govern those expectations for the change. To be frank, if no one is looking at the report, why should they comply?

At an organizational level, you have high-level outcomes that you are striving to achieve, but do individuals understand how they contribute to those outcomes? Have you provided tangible action items and tied them back to measurable goals?

Here are a few great examples you could track:

List of Adoption Metric Examples


Ready to get started?

  1. Gather your team and complete our Measuring Success exercise: Download the attached Excel to start strategizing now!  Define measurable goals for each community/role that link back to your high-level outcomes. Contributing to the success of a project or change will look different across your communities and it’s important to meet them where they are with achievable goals that resonate with the individual.
  2. Develop a coaching structure: Create a support system to help individuals adapt to the new way of working​. Change Champions will be critical here!
  3. Start a pilot program: Use small, manageable goals to implement the change​.
  4. Measure your performance: Set measurable goals (OKRs) that align with the strategies and outcomes.

Recommended PROSCI reading: Metrics for Measuring Change Management:


Looking forward to hearing how YOU help drive success!



Stephane Wallace, Your OCM Enthusiast

Great article! Thank you for the tangible materials to help get us started within our own implementations.  I’ll be marking this one for use in the near future!
