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I was wondering if anyone has suggestions to improve load times across various modules of AdaptiveWork. We find that if a User Group has more than approximately 30 people, then the Resource Load module is very slow to load. Similarly, most Reports are slow to load or fail to load completely if they have data for more than 30 users. I’m not able to get Dashboards to load if I combine more than 3 charts from different reports.

We are using filters to minimize the data shown in these modules but at some point, we can’t make our groups any smaller and still be able to produce valuable reports.

We’re at the point where we are exporting data and managing it outside AdaptiveWork to be able to produce the reports we need, but this is not ideal.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Hello @cpetrie,

I believe something as simple as clearing the cache files can help improve the software module’s load time especially when you have the application running in your PC’s browser. The CRM and Power BI that I had no issues w.r.t load times suddenly started acting up this morning and I navigated to the browser settings, cleared the cache, and performed a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 - I use windows) it automatically improved the load time of each CRM module and dashboards.

Please try the above method and if the issues still persist, I request you to raise a ticket with the AdaptiveWork support team as they'd be able to thoroughly investigate the root causes of the slow loading times in your environment and work on providing solutions.

W.r.t producing valuable reports and not having to limit/minimize important data, I'd recommend talking to your CSM and have him/her involve one of our Subject Matter Experts who will be able to examine the out-of-the-box (OOTB) reports you are using to build dashboards, and provide recommendations for the most effective way forward.




Thank you for your inputs on that very hot topic. 

We have been working to enhance user experience in that area and have just recently introduced pagination in resource load, which is intended to reduce loading time.

In addition to that we’re working on a larger initiative to introduce more improvements and modernization in that area and are looking forward to share some exciting news in the next few months.

Please stay tuned for updates, until then I recommend going ahead with what Sai has suggested.


Thank you for the suggestions. Clearing the cache has not helped and it’s been recommended that we submit a support desk ticket for this issue, which we will do.

