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Hi everyone.

I’m developing automated functional tests to speed up our validation of Planview Portfolio upgrades and so far it’s going well.  The tests automate user interactions with Planview Portfolios and verify that the screens/pages look as expected with respect to UI elements on said pages, but I’ve hit a roadblock with automating the creation of Work from the My Overview screen as the automation is unable to identify dynamically-created UI elements such as popup menus.

For example, when I click on the “New” button a popup menu appears with the options Work, Strategy, Issue, Risk, Change etc, but the underlying webpage DOM element for that popup menu cannot be easily identified as it’s created dynamically and doesn’t have any uniquely identifying HTML5 element attributes such as “id” or “name” or even “class”.  This means that my automated test cannot execute that basic workflow and that complete automated functional testing of PV Portfolios is not possible.

I’m hoping that what I’ve described above is clear and that someone can suggest a way of automatically “capturing” and “clicking” on the New | Work menu option.

If Planview used a persistent placeholder element with a unique name or id to contain popup menus, then there’d be no issue, perhaps this could be considered for future versions.

Hello ​@johnoconnell, I don’t have anything profound to add but wanted to say this is really interesting. I’m curious how issues or unexpected behavior would be identified. Example: if all the data points on Resource View screen are not in the same order as expected (we’ve seen this randomly in the past). 

Hello ​@johnoconnell, I don’t have anything profound to add but wanted to say this is really interesting. I’m curious how issues or unexpected behavior would be identified. Example: if all the data points on Resource View screen are not in the same order as expected (we’ve seen this randomly in the past). 

I’m checking things like table column headers, configuration settings and workflow outcomes.  In the latter case, the workflow (such as New -> Work menu option) is executed by the automated test tool, which then checks to see if the created test Work exists.  The test automation tool is setup to know what to expect in a page, even the order of columns in a grid, if it doesn’t find what it expects then the test fails.
